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The Portrait Project

Welcome to The Portrait Project!


I am Adam Zolty, founder and artist behind this project. I love painting and drawing portraits and constantly require photographs of friendly faces for inspiration! If you enjoy my work and ever wanted to have a self portrait done, you have come to the right place!

I offer both informal and commissioned portraits!

Informal Portraits:

I love working on small painting projects in my spare time to practice the art of portraiture and constantly require new headshot photos to inspire my portraits!

Have any headshots? You can submit as many photos as you like to our email address, subject line formated as: Full Name_Informal Portrait Submission, and I will choose a photo that inspires me for my next portrait!

Please note that my selection of photos for Informal Portraits are a "lottery-type" process, and I cannot garantee I will get to your photo - so I do advise submitting nonchalantly. However please don't be discouraged, feel free to submit as many photos as you like, whenever you like!

Your privacy is a top priority of mine. If I choose your photo and finish the portrait, I will notify you privately with options of sharing the portrait with any of your peers, purchasing the portrait (if you like it), and whether you grant us permission in having the finished portrait displayed on our Facebook page as a news update. If you want none of the above that is also perfectly fine too!

What are the best photos to submit?

1. Make sure your photo is well focussed.

- There should be very little blur if I want to enlarge your photo to gather detail during the painting process.

2. Single-source-artificial lighting from lights and lamps are best.

- Try and aim for a good contrasting blend of darks and lights (shadows and highlights) projected onto the facial area. This will better communicate your facial structure to me and help me create a more realistic portrait.

Suggestions (no need to follow completely):


3. Photos should encompass your face down to your shoulders. 


4. Be Creative! 

-  In addition to posing neutrally, you may also want to experiment with different camera angles and expressions for variety! ...Remember you can submit as many photos as you want!

Have any other questions? Email us at and let us know!

Commissioned Portraits:

If you like what I do and want a more formal portrait done, it is best to email me personally at, subject line: "Full Name_Portrait Commission," and we can arrange a consultation to discuss the details!

Be sure to check us out on our Facebook page, and Happy Submitting!

Best wishes,

Adam Zolty

Latest Informal Portraits

© 2024 by Adam Zolty

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